Since Walt Disney Animation studios released 2 animated movies based on the Hunchback of Notre Dame novel, it'd be a great honor to have a replica of the church built here in Epcot in the France Pavilion area.
However, the only best spot in the area Disney could build the cathedral is next to the Eiffel Tower and behind the other buildings in Epcot.
This attraction would mostly likely be utilized as a place for people to roam inside and up to the towers on foot. It'd be too complex to hold a ride for people to enjoy. It would however feature the gargoyles, Quazimoto, Esmerelda, Phoebis, and Frollo.
So if we can have a replica of the Notre Dame cathedral here in Epcot, more people including those from Paris would be more interested in coming here to check out this kind of attraction and more success for Walt Disney World Resort. Everyone would be happy just as much as being in Walt Disney World.